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Wedding Venue

Marrying at Mayson

May Mayson Place professional team assist to begin your next life chapter as we are transforming your dream wedding into reality. Select from our packages to suit your desired ceremony style. From engagement party, traditional Thai weddings, Buddhist ceremony to Chinese Wedding Tea Ceremony, Mayson Place ensures different cultural ceremonies are accurately presented. Be ready to create your lifetime memory at our elegantly decorated venues!

Wedding    Venue

  Mayson Place Hotel

Mayor (Ground Floor): our main venue for the big day. Spacious to perform different rituals and suit various catering styles. Every precious moment of your wedding day will be created at Mayor.

Mayya (2nd floor) is perfect for the private wedding party. Catering up to 25-30 people, Mayya is the venue where you invite the VVIP of you and your other half to share the happiness with your intimate ones!

MOOVE Event Centre

Explore the alternative venue for your wedding from us - MOOVE Event Centre. Located 3 km away from Mayson Place Hotel, MOOVE is the first event centre newly opened in Preaksa, our event rooms are suitable for medium to large scale wedding celebration. Under the management of Mayson Place Hotel, MOOVE promise your wedding day will be a beautiful one.

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